Thursday, September 18, 2008

Brussels Sprouts

Finally, the recipe you've been waiting for!!

OK, I know that's not true... but try these, and if you don't like them you are allowed to say truthfully that you don't like Brussels sprouts, because they are the best you'll ever have. The recipe will serve 8-10 people, but if you can get that many people to eat them, more power to you! Cut the recipe according to your crowd, but don't be surprised if you turn more than one into a Brussels sprout lover, so I do suggest making a few more than you think you need.
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
recipe from Ruth Reichl's book Garlic and Sapphires

2lbs small Brussels sprouts, trimmed (peel off the outermost layers, and trim the stem)
3 T. olive oil
salt and pepper
4 slices thickly cut bacon, diced (I just cut it into strips with scissors)

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. But the Brussels sprouts on a baking sheet, sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper, and toss so that each sprout is coated. Spread them out in a single layer, and top with the diced bacon. Cook, turning the sprouts once, for about 20 minutes or until they are very dark and crisp. Serve at once.


Mommy said...

Hmm Jamie...I may just take your challenge. Stay tune!

Robyn said...

Oh, I LOVE Brussel Sprouts! I can eat the whole thing for dinner and make something else for everyone else! Does that make me strange??? I don't care! Love em! No one else in my family (except my grandma) will eat them! Maybe it's time to have her over for dinner... :)